Living in a COA centre programme
In the first 45 days of their stay in the reception centre, all adult asylum seekers must take an information programme: Living in a COA centre. The programme offers residents all the knowledge and skills they need to be able to live independently in a reception centre. Accordingly, it makes sure the reception centre is a safe and pleasant place to live in.

Preparation programme for civic integration
If an asylum seeker is allowed to stay in the Netherlands, it is important for them to integrate into society as quickly as possible. That is why status holders can take the preparation programme for civic integration in the reception centre. So this is even before they move to the municipality where they will start a more extensive civic integration programme.

Dutch lessons for asylum seekers
If an asylum seeker is allowed to stay in the Netherlands, it is important for them to start integrating into society as quickly as possible. That is why asylum seekers who are likely to get a residence permit already start their Dutch as a Second Language (NT2) classes in the process reception centre.

Future training: preparation for return
All adult asylum seekers who are not granted a residence permit take part in the COA's future training programme. In this group training, they prepare for their future outside the Netherlands and we stimulate independent return.

Before arrival in the Netherlands: Cultural Orientation Training
The Netherlands invites around 500 refugees annually to settle in our country. Before their arrival in the Netherlands, the COA gives them 3 four-day Cultural Orientation Training sessions. In these sessions, the refugees prepare for their integration and participation in the Netherlands.