Support programmes: for now and later

Among other things, status holders can take lessons in 'Dutch as a second language' (NT2), 'Knowledge of Dutch Society', and introMAP as part of the Preparation for Civic Integration Programme. Asylum seekers whose prospects of getting a residence permit are promising will already start their Dutch language lessons in the process reception centre.   

Integration activities inside and nearby the reception centre

Shortly after arrival in the reception centre, asylum seekers and status holders have support interviews with their case manager. In these interviews, they prepare themselves for their future and discuss the integration and participation options in and nearby the reception centre. For instance volunteer work, on-the-job training programmes, and programmes focussing on integration and participation. Here, status holders will also look at the options available in the municipality where they will be living. 

Working: good for integration and participation

Work – including volunteer work – makes an important contribution to the integration of newcomers. It is good for asylum seekers and status holders to get work experience and to connect with Dutch people. About 40 reception centres have already got a Meedoen-balie: a participation desk where we offer volunteering activities.

Veel asielzoekers doen graag vrijwilligerswerk in een woonzorgcentrum
© Aan de slag

Promising match with municipality

The COA matches status holders to a municipality. When we do this, we look at where they have the best opportunities to build a new life and contribute to society. For all status holders, we make a digital client profile. Municipalities use the client profile to continue the integration and participation of the status holder in the municipality.