Suppport programmes: for now and later
In every asylum seekers' centre we offer programmes aimed at supporting asylum seekers. The programmes are about living at a COA location, preparation for integration in the Netherlands and preparation for return to their country of origin or another country. Are you curious about our training and programmes?
Personal guidance and support
All COA staff in a reception centre provide guidance and support to asylum seekers individually as well as in a group setting. The guidance and support relate to their future in the Netherlands, their country of origin, or elsewhere; but also participation in activities, volunteer work in or outside the reception centre, or living in a reception centre. If asylum seekers have questions, they can go to the information desk in the reception centre.

MyCOA: search for information yourself
MyCOA is a dedicated website for asylum seekers in our reception centres. It contains information about the asylum procedure, living in the asylum seekers' centre and life in the Netherlands. Each asylum seekers' centre also has its own pages about activities at centre, public transport and shops in the area. MyCOA is available in more then 10 languages: Arabic, Armenian, English, Farsi, French, Dutch, Russian, Somali, Spanish,Tigrinya and Turkish.
Young people: 24/7 guidance in small residential facilities
Unaccompanied minors (young people who have travelled to the Netherlands without adult supervision) live in a foster family or we accommodate them in small residential facilities. We assist them 24/7 in their development into adulthood so that they can live independently at the age of 18 either in an asylum seekers' centre, their country of origin or their own house in the Netherlands.

Children: activities, resilience training and information
About a quarter of the residents are under the age of 18. The COA pays specific attention to the interests and needs of the children. They should be able to live just like any other child: to be able to play, do homework and feel safe in the reception centre. Each asylum seekers' centre provides a basic programme of sports and games, art and music, resilience training and information.
Attention for LGBTIQ+s
LGBTIQ+s are in an extra vulnerable position at the reception centre. That is why they can always approach our staff if they have a question or a problem. If LGBTIQ+s wish to build a 'pink network', we refer them to organisations such as COC Netherlands.
Extra support and supervision in special reception centres
Some asylum seekers cannot live in a reception centre independently or they cause a disturbance to employees or other asylum seekers. For these people we have 2 types of reception centres: a reception centre with intensive support or an enforcement and supervision centre.
Integration activities: language, work, training and network
New Dutch citizens cannot start integration early enough. That is why the COA offers various integration activities for asylum seekers and status holders that focus on the Dutch language and culture, work, education and a social network. By laying a good foundation in asylum seekers' centres, permit holders can get off to a flying start when they move to their municipality.
How do we support asylum seekers upon return?
The COA supports asylum seekers who have exhausted all legal means and have no right to residence when they are preparing for return to their country of origin, or to the country responsible for processing their asylum application. A case manager prepares them for return in interviews and stimulates voluntary return. In every reception centre, we offer the COA's Future Training to asylum seekers who have exhausted all legal means.
Resettlement of refugees
The Netherlands invites around 500 refugees annually to settle in our country. The COA participates in selection missions. In the Cultural Orientation training programme, we prepare the refugees for life in the Netherlands. We match them to a municipality for a home and we guide them during the first 48 hours in our country.