The management board is responsible for implementing the tasks as laid down in the COA Act. The powers the board has have been elaborated further in the COA Authorities Regulations. In these regulations, it has also been laid down which mandates and authorisations can be granted to staff.

The organisation has 3 departments. The reception centres (azc) fall under the Reception & Support department. They have been divided into 4 regions, with each its own regional manager.
The management board and departments are supported by 3 staff sections, which advise them about information management, matters pertaining to safety and lawfulness, communication, and international issues, among other things. They also monitor whether COA is meeting its targets within the given frameworks.

Management board
The management board has 2 members: Milo Schoenmaker (Chair) and Joeri Kapteijns. It is their joint responsibility that the tasks laid down in the COA Act are carried out properly.
Advisory board
Since 2016, the COA has had an advisory board. The advisory board can make solicited and unsolicited recommendations to the board. The advisory board consists of 6 members, each with their own expertise.
Since 2017, the Minister of Justice and Security has been responsible for the supervision of the COA, supported by the ministry. At the centre of this supervision is the COA Act. Minister of Migration, Eric van der Burg is politically responsible for the COA.
Public accountability
The COA is a member of the Charter Group for Public Accountability (HPV). The HPV came into being in 2000, when a number of independent administrative bodies (zbo) signed the Charter for Public Accountability. They wanted to justify their actions and the quality of services, not only to a responsible minister, but moreover to their clientsand society as a whole. Since then, other public service providers than independent administrative bodies have also joined the HPV.
Code of Good Governance
On the basis of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code 2003 ( the 'Tabaksblat Code'), the HPV drafted the Good Governance Code for Public Service Providers in 2015. This code was written withthe awareness that it is good to stimulate desirable behaviour in the field of public governance. Through this code, the HPV warrants that its members are aware of and listening to the public.
Ethics Code of Conduct
It is very important to the COA that its staff behaves ethically. This goes for employees as well as agency workers, volunteers, interns, and other ‘external’ workers. After all, residents must be able to trust us. Furthermore, society and politics are right in expecting the COA to be committed, ethical, and professional as an organisation. Hence, the Ethics Code of Conduct applies to all staff.